I have led a very sheltered life, so I was amazed at what I learned from
this book. I am so impressed at what the author has done. I am counting
my blessings more than ever. God has blessed me so much. The only
reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is because the stories of the
women in Part 2 are so disturbing and some people may have a really hard
time getting through them. If you can handle it, though, they are
seriously fascinating and heart wrenching. I truly admire the courage of
the women and the writing style of the book. I agree that you can be
laughing one minute and crying the next. The book totally kept my
attention. I have a mentally ill son and that has given me a much
greater understanding and compassion for those suffering from brain
disorders. This book has given me a different outlook on those who are
behind bars. They must be accountable for the choices they have made,
but they are still loved by God and should be by us as well. We can hate
the sin but love the sinner. God bless Linda for bringing these stories
to light. And God bless all those who have lived the life of "Block
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