Daily decisions. We all have to make them. Nothing too difficult.
- What should I wear to the office today?
- Cheerios or a scrambled egg for breakfast?
- Should I leave work early to go to an appointment?
- Which bills to pay first?
- What can I make for supper tonight?
- Groceries or gas?
- Medicine or phone bill?
- Car repair $600 (so she can get to work) or Leave an abusive partner and pay her own rent?
Visit The Women of Block 12 at: http://www.TheWomenOfBlock12.com
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I think about these issues - the lack of choices that some women have - every time I am deciding what to wear to teach a class at the women's prison. So many of my decisions are frivolous. We need more women to minister to those who are incarcerated or transitioning. Great blog.