"Recent studies indicate that having an incarcerated parent doubles the chance that a child will be at least temporarily homeless and measurably increases the likelihood of physically aggressive behavior, social isolation, depression and problems in school..." according to an article in the July 4th New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/us/05prison.html?_r=1&hp.
The Women of Block 12 worry about their children and what will happen to them while they are in jail or prison. Some of the children are with grandparents or other relatives. Many live with abusive partners. Others are in the foster system.
The women fear their newborns and infants will not recognize them when they get out or that their older children will be angry at them for leaving. Every Wednesday night, we pray for the children left behind.
When these women return home, will they be better parents? Not unless we help them with the skills they need to support and nurture their families.
READ MORE AT MY WEBSITE: http://www.TheWomenOfBlock12.com
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